Planet Krull

Just one man. Just one voice. Just one planet.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Must See Video - Bush covers U2

Hat Tip - Crazy Trazy

You have to admire the poor soul who had to sift through an entire State of the Union speech, probably more than once, to cull the lyrics together. I couldn't do it. I get very uncomfortable watching Bush The Younger give a speech. I couldn't put my finger on it as to why, until I read what Tucker Carlson had to say about Bush's oratory skills -

As a friend of mine once said, watching Bush give a speech is like watching a drunk man cross an icy street. You really want him to get to the other side, but it's clear he won't be able to make it without a lot of stumbling.[*]

Mr. Carlson hits the nail on the head! That said, the video is funny even if you are not a big U2 fan. Indeed, U2 fans probably will react in horror.

[*] - as quoted in Cato's Letter: A Quarterly Message On Liberty; Spring, 2006; p. 4, column 1 (published by the Cato Institute; 1000 Massachusetts Ave. , N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20001).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - not being a bit U2 fan (although I did buy "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb - "Vertigo" is the best rock song ever), I had never heard the lyrics to "Sunday Bloody Sunday" before.

I'll now go listen to the original version...

But that has to be the best cut and past video I've ever seen! That had to take hours to make.

The best part of the rockin' Congress!

6/25/2006 11:51 AM  

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